Hmmmmm Miss Turner so you do not feel trying to overthrow the government of this country didn’t cause harm? People died and a lot more were also in harms way (They would have killed Pence and Pelosi). That is not an emotional statement all but instead a fact the entire country saw live. You know I don’t debate based on emotion. So in addition to that harm, did he not gut the EPA (he said global warming is a lie) and rolled back over 100 environmental rules governing water, federal land, wildlife, toxic chemicals, and clean air. Greed cannot stop us from being stewards of this planet so that our grandchildren will have a planet. I would definitely justify that as harm to not only this country but the world.

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Sep 15, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023Author

I will preface my response with I am not a Trumper or a Republican. And as every article says I am a conservative leaning Independent. Having said that- I will debate for the sake of it lol.. Trump was acquitted by the senate (both impeachment attempts) and specifically of Jan 6 Insurrection. At the time of those impeachments the Senate and House were under Democrat majority. Of Trumps many indictment & charges currently he is NOT charged with incitement- because he told the crowd to " go to the Capitol and PEACEFULLY protest. He also followed up by telling them to Go Home- But I am a firm believer doing something willingly or voluntarily is doing it of your own volition. As for attempting to overthrow the government? That remains to be litigated in court.

Overthrowing would mean removed from power by force. So the phraseology is flawed and used purposefully. Anyway, there are aspects of that argument that I can somewhat agree with if the evidence bears it out- however there are other aspects that seem to be just a piling on for special affects. It's the Get Trump effect..I haven't researched the precedent for use of Alternate colloquially dubbed "Fake Electors" part of the "overthrowing" case against him. https://www.justsecurity.org/82233/a-historical-perspective-on-alternate-electors-lessons-from-hayes-tiden/.. It will be a tedious prosecution.

To the people died statement- https://www.newsweek.com/january-6-capitol-riot-victims-deaths-brian-sicknick-ashli-babbitt-police-suicide-1665815- Babbitt is the only person who died on Jan 6 and the others whom the media cites and I assume you are too- ALL DIED OF NATURAL CAUSES in the hours, days, & weeks post Jan 6. There is no way to prove causation/correlation. I believe one also committed suicide -that is a SELF deletion. Let me pull a play from your whataboutism- Should Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters et al -who called for action against the supreme court post Roe V Wade - should they be held accountable for the assassination plot/ attempt? If I go to work and have a hectic 5 trauma codes and 3 code blues in my shift and then the next day or week drop dead of heart disease or stroke is that the hospitals fault- is that a direct correlation?

Now, Global warming that's a whole other beast, and to be sure I am a bit skeptic of some of what the activists are saying since the ozone is ok and the world hasn't ended like they predicted. The goal post seems to move on their predictions.- Also I am not familiar with all Trumps epa actions that you mentioned. I really try to read the executive orders /bills etc -but haven't read those. I know for a FACT that depending on which side your own and the media you listen to, you're only getting half of the story. I prefer to make informed decisions not off of talking points from either side. I agree that greed should not be the end of our planet. Judging the actions in our own state I can see their aspirations are problematic. And some of the regulations have already been proven to to have unintended negative consequences.

I believe in measured and sensible solutions. And I did not intend to imply you were debating on emotion, I was referencing how in todays world "harm" is assigned to anything one side of the aisle doesn't like.

Both sides are gaslighting, propagandizing and inciting division in this country. I personally believe we should have a TOTAL reset. Term Limits etc..

Always a pleasure Mr. Poole. I appreciate you enlightening me with your thoughts:) EDITED TO REFLECT MULTIPLE CAPITOL OFFICERS DIED BY SUICIDE WEEKS MONTHS LATER- THAT'S ON THEM.

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Trump has told more lies than any politician on the face of this earth and still lying. So is it okay for him to do it especially at the harm of this country.

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Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023Author

While I agree that Trump also told lies, and that most politicians do as well, my article is about Biden and his lies (throughout his entire life) . I rarely do whataboutism while focusing on the current administration. However, I would challenge your statement of "doing harm to this country" as under the previous administration there wasn't a war, Inflation didn't reach nearly 9%, and there wasn't a migrant crisis etc. To answer your question though, no it is not okay for Trump to tell lies especially if it is at the "harm" of this country. In todays terms "harm" is a subjective term, because it is used to describe an emotion to any ideology that someone doesn't agree with. On another note- I have shade for both of these individuals, hence my previous article that BOTH should drop out of the 2024 race. Rhetoric coming from both the Dems and Repubs are equally divisive. And for me personally I'm more concerned about issues. So if prices are down at the store, gas is down, order at the border, safety on the streets etc-I'll support whichever party who has an agenda to help meet those goals-

Thank you for your thoughtful reply Mr. Poole.


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