Newsom fundraises for African American studies in Arkansas, not California
California Governor Gavin Newsom has been a vocal critic of Republican-run states often taking to social media to comment on their policies.
Newsom creates political organization to oppose GOP policies in red states
He has been accused of meddling in the affairs of Republican-run states while issues in his own state continue to fester.
The latest example came in a post on X (formerly Twitter) where Newsom takes a swipe at Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee-Sanders.
When Governor Huckabee-Sanders took office one of her first executive orders was the banning of critical race theory in schools.
Schools must educate, not indoctrinate students; and their education policies must protect children and prepare them to enter the workforce; Teachers and school administrators should teach students how to think—not what to think; Critical Race Theory (CRT) is antithetical to the traditional American values of neutrality, equality, and fairness. It emphasizes skin color as a person’s primary characteristic, thereby resurrecting segregationist values, which America has fought so hard to reject; (Sarah Huckabee Sanders)
Controversially in August, the Arkansas Department of Education announced an Advanced Placement African American Studies high school course, a pilot college-level course and examination, would not be eligible for high school graduation credit.
The Little Rock School District said it would continue offering the course on an elective basis even if it doesn’t count toward a student’s graduation credit.
Education officials have told schools the course couldn’t be part of the state’s advanced placement course offerings because it’s still a pilot program and hasn’t been vetted by the state yet. ABC NEWS
Gavin Newsom injected himself into the republican led state affairs by writing, “African American studies classes not counting toward graduation in Arkansas is a disgrace”. "We just raised over $50,000 to create scholarships for students at Arkansas' Little Rock Central High School who still want to learn REAL history".
Governor Newsom shared a link to the Campaign for Democracy Committee fundraiser “Support the Arkansas Community Foundation” website that says the donations are for more students to take AP exams and provides college scholarships for Little Rock Central High School students.
Black Political Opinion: Newsom fundraises for African American studies in Arkansas, not California
Governor Newsom has been increasingly vocal about national issues in recent months often speaking out against Republican-led states.
Critics have accused Newsom of neglecting the problems facing his own state in favor of boosting his national profile.
He has repeatedly talked about California as a model for the rest of the country.
California is facing a number of serious problems, including homelessness, rising crime, a budget deficit, and more. Not to mention the educational failures that have California kids performing poorly in reading and math.
The nationwide tests of reading and math proficiency shows that California has consistently lagged behind most other states … 38th in math and 33rd in reading.- (Source)
Kids can’t read or do math while politicians litigate gender in school policies
African American studies courses can be an important part of the academic curriculum that help students to understand the history and experiences of black people in America.
However, when a reported two-thirds of Black students can’t even read at grade level in California, and in one case study, a dismal 9% of SFUSD's Black students are proficient in math, perhaps Newsom should be focusing on the basics lacking in his state, instead of Arkansas.
Black Political Opinion is a multi-part opinion-editorial series that looks at various political topics, news, and views, from the perspective of a Black female, conservative leaning Independent.
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