Can You Make Money Calling ICE? Enslaved Descendants Shoutout "We Never Should Have Integrated!"
Non-immigrant, Natural-born citizens Set Goal of Deporting 70 Thousand Illegals A Day. Descendants Blast Slogan World Wide "Don't think Twice, Call ICE!"
The year 2025 marks the sixty-year celebration of mass immigration from non-European countries into America. That’s right. After six long decades of immigrants ditching their failed countries - countries without jobs, no hope for the future, and little to no food to eat - to shop in large grocery stores with fluorescent lights or start a business mass immigration into the United States has come to an end.
Don’t think twice, Let’s call ICE
Ms. OriginalBlackAmerican offered treasured words of advice in her TikTok video after seeing comments that immigration seemed to be only targeting certain [Latino, Hispanic] immigrants and not others. She shared the same words of advice, and caution, shared with the descendants of US chattel slaves:
“It seems like you’re always the victim. We don’t play the race card in America, we don’t see color and it seems like if you just work hard and you’re not a criminal you’ll be fine. The victim card you guys are playing a lot. Talking about they are coming to our schools, scaring our children, and breaking up our families. Stuff like that. It sounds like you’re a victim cause there are a lot of Hispanic ICE agents and the Secretary of State is Hispanic. I don’t understand why you guys keep playing this race card and the victim card when we don’t see color. I think you need to work hard, maybe work on criminalization in your group, and just comply with the law.”
In 1958 while he was still a senator, John F. Kennedy wrote "A Nation of Immigrants" as part of the Anti-Defamation League's series. In 1963 John F. Kennedy decided to update the essay into a short book in response to rising anti-immigrant sentiment as he prepared to ask Congress to overhaul the nation's immigration laws. John F. Kennedy prepared a proposal to comprehensively reform immigration as he mislabeled immigration as the “great inheritance” which meant people from around the globe traveled to America to rob the country of its resources and profits. That was the case, from the 1900s until 2024 the whole world treated America as a free-for-all, it was a “Colonizer’s Paradise.” However, non-immigrants closed the doors to the colonizer’s paradise in 2024.
After six decades of feeding and clothing the global population of eight billion people or more, people from homogenous countries, countries with people of the same or similar skin color, the same or similar culture, or historical religions read about in the Bible, the non-immigrants from the United States of America uniformly deemed 2025 the season to “Hold Your Own Nuts.” The global population of more than eight billion people who persecute one another, people who cannot survive natural disasters, and people who cannot grow food in times of famine are not an exemplification or example of the spirit of American resilience.
I’m getting a lot of these comments [points to a graphic of a TikTok comment that says black people will be targeted next]: “It’s going to be you next if you don’t help us,” shared thelushdiva in a TikTok video shared on X (Twitter). “But it’s always been us. It’s always been us. It’s never not been us. There has never been a time in the history of the United States when it wasn’t us. We’re not next, we were the first.” She continued, “You’re trying to scare someone with the idea that we [Black Americans] are going back to Africa. There was already a Go Back to Africa movement. No, they’re trying to send us back to slavery.”
Natural Born Citizens
Contrary to popular belief the Descendants of US Chattel Slaves were/are Natural born citizens. A term used in Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution, "natural-born citizens" are persons who don’t need to go through naturalization proceedings. Citizenship refers to the status of being a recognized member of a country, Naturalization is the process by which a non-citizen can become a citizen after meeting specific legal requirements, but natural-born citizens cannot lose their nationality unless they make an explicit and voluntary decision to renounce it.
Before the Civil War, the Dred Scott case grew in scope and significance as slavery became the single most explosive issue in American politics. Dred Scott was a slave in Missouri who resided in Illinois (a free state) and Louisiana Territory from 1833 to 1843, two locations where slavery was forbidden by the Missouri Compromise of 1820. After returning to Missouri, Scott filed suit in Missouri court for his freedom, claiming that his residence in free territory made him a free man. Scott lost his case and the Supreme Court maintained that no “negro” or descendant of slaves could be a citizen in the sense of Article III of the Constitution. PBS called the Dred Scott decision the tipping point that led to the Civil War. In the six years after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the Scott case the divide between the North and South grew over slavery and the Southern states seceded from the Union which birthed the Confederate States of America. The Civil War started on April 12th, 1861 and the Union was getting their ass whooped by the Confederacy. Although the Union Army had more soldiers the Irish, German, Jewish, and other Europeans in the Union Army were weak and feeble-minded. The Emancipation Proclamation that freed the enslaved people living in the Confederacy was signed on September 22, 1862, but that wasn’t the end of the story.
A general in the Union Army, General William T. Sherman, sat down and worked out an agreement with the former slaves. The slaves agreed to fight for the Union and in return the Union colored soldiers would receive land and peace. Sherman's Special Field Order No. 15 was issued on January 16, 1865 and after the war, 400,000 acres of confiscated land from Charleston, South Carolina to the St. John's River in Florida was supposed to be redistributed to the colored Union soldiers. The colored Union soldiers won the Civil War for the Union. Yes, that’s correct the colored Union soldiers defeated the Confederates without the assistance of the Irish, English, Italians, or other immigrants. After the war all the veterans was a plot of land to raise a family and peace and solitude. Forty acre plots and a little peace of mind. Fifteen days later the House of Representatives passed the proposed 13th amendment on January 31, 1865, and slavery was abolished in the United States. The 13th and 14th Amendments overturned the Dred Scott decision and took citizenship from a State issue to federal legislation.
Before 2025 America was once known as the most generous and compassionate nation on earth. After rescuing the lifeless bodies of Jews from Nazi death camps in Germany and hiring Jews as professors in Historically Black College Universities, Jews used the pain and suffering of former slaves to pass legislation that benefited only them. Then fast forward to the year 2020 when Jews publicly addressed the United Nations advocating against the restitution and repair in the form of cash reparation payments for slavery, Jim Crow, and the Black Codes.
Leading up to the 1965 Naturalization and Immigration Act, the freedom fighters of the 50s and 60s fought Ellis Island immigrants and the Ku Klux Klan in street fights across the nation. The Naturalization and Immigration Act of 1965 was an expansion of the 13th and 14th Amendments and that’s how Africans and Asians gained the legal authority to immigrate to the USA. However, Ellis Island Europeans told Africans and Asians that former slaves were lazy, slow, and didn’t want to work. Africans and Asians believed the Ellis Island colonizers and they disrespectfully separated themselves from former slaves socially while feeding off the money from the former slaves. Africans continued believing the colonizer’s stories of lazy slaves and in 2023 immigrants from the African diaspora conspired with traitorous Black Americans and used political influence to convince the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) - the US government agency that manages the federal budget - to continue lumping nonimmigrants with immigrants on the census and in federal budgets. The International Crimes Court defines Genocide as causing serious mental or bodily harm to members of a group in addition to forcibly transferring children of one group to another group.
Immigration affects every aspect of a Black American’s life, economy, and culture. “It’s vital to get people prosecuted for the crimes that they’ve committed,” said a voice in the Twitter space Good morning #Massdeportationnow. “We can’t accept this any longer and we are not going to!” Boykin exclaimed. Without [Black] Americans there would be no America but some of these people have to be taken to school. Some people we have to take to school and others we take to task.” #theynotlikeus
Discussing the less than one thousand illegal aliens rounded up by ICE, at first, the group was willing to accept the less than a thousand illegal aliens after the first four days of Trump’s second term but Fish & Grits ADOSenergy promptly spoke up, and reminded the group how disrespectful illegal aliens were to the Descendants. “Y’all being too nice to these illegals! Y’all are too nice with these numbers! We need those deportation numbers way up. We had 20 million illegal immigrants arrive in America! Y’all get me upset with these numbers,” closed Fish & Grits. “At this point, immigrants have shown that they are only interested in harming us [Black Americans],” said Ms. T about her experience reading job postings. “If I didn’t have to worry about three thousand dollars a month mortgage then I could work a $ 15-per-hour job, a job that would ordinarily go to a 15-year-old, “I could work that job if I had free health care, free housing, and five thousand a month in food stamps,” she continued.
Deputized Certified Snitches
Officially deputized as certified snitches, the Descendants of US Chattel Slaves say don’t think twice, call ICE. Focused on the goal of wiping the slate clean, the undeportable and non-immigrant Descendants of the Enslaved want to see one million illegal aliens deported per month. During Biden’s administration, Border Patrol reported at least 10,000 immigrants illegally crossed the border in a day. If Descendants want to see that same number of illegal aliens deported then everyone from the East Coast to the West Coast will have to call ICE and call them repeatedly. The plan is to keep calling ICE until the White House reports they have deported 60 or 70 thousand illegal aliens per day.
Curbing illegal immigration is important to the Descendants of former US chattel slaves because illegal immigrants are recorded as sending back 45 billion a year to Mexico alone. When illegal immigrants are returned to their country, or countries with falling birthrates, the Descendants estimated adding 3 trillion dollars to economies all over America. That could be $350,000 to each descendant of the enslaved living in America in 2025.
Deportation Time by Black Alpha Network
Black Americans are NOT saving You. #Deportation
Videos of Africans saying they believe US Chattel Slaves are lazy:
Black People, Pull Yourselves Up By Your Bootstraps, Stop Being LAZY
Why Africans Think Black Americans Are Lazy
Africans SLAM African-Americans: 'You're Lazy!' 😱
African Man Said Black People Are Ignorant .. I Agree
Michigan Judge Calls Black Americans Lazy and Praises Black immigrants
Immigrant Says Black Americans Are Lazy & On Welfare In Angry Outburst
Dave Chappelle explains why black people can't be lazy
White people discussing how lazy blacks are.
Marjorie Taylor Greene: Black People are "Lazy and Sorry"
Paul Ryan: Black Men Are Lazy, That's Why There's Poverty
Racist Latinas Calling Black People Lazy !!!
Black Americans Share Their Favorite, "I'm So Lazy," Stories
Jamaican Sista Details How The WS Started "Black Americans Are Lazy Trope"
Akon Gets Checked For Talking Greasy About Black Americans
Conservative Says Blacks Are Lazy & Immoral
Did Slavery Affect Your Family? Africans vs African Americans
1960s - Black Americans Debate "Lazy" Stereotype
Black Americans Spoiled and Lazy? Caribbean Black Man Says Reparations Are Stupid
The "Black Americans Are Lazy" Trope Used By WS & Some Immigrants
Are Black People Lazy?? | Propaganda and The Lies About Black America
Why Black Immigrants have no respect for Black people in America
Charleston White: Black People Are Lazy and Don't Want To Work
Unveiling the Origin of Laziness in African-Americans
Why Africans Think African Americans Are Lazy
Racist Judge Calls Black Americans Lazy Pieces of S41t